How to Assign Tasks

Transactions marked as "On-hold" in the Bank Transactions page will appear in the "Ready" tab under Open Items. These transactions typically require additional information or supporting documents from clients, managers, or other users. You can assign these open items to specific individuals and clearly input your requests or details for what is needed.

1. Click on Open Items

Click on Open Items

2. Under Ready, these are all transaction on hold

Under Ready, these are all transaction on hold

3. Click on one of transactions

Click on one of transactions

4. Click on ASK CLIENT


5. Type client name or client email, and questions to client

Type client name or client email, and questions to client

6. Set up Due date

Set up Due date

7. Click on Choose Saturday, November 9th, 2024

Click on Choose Saturday, November 9th, 2024

8. Click on CREATE

Click on CREATE

9. Click on Waiting tab

Click on Waiting tab

10. You'll find all open items you assigned to clients

You'll find all open items you assigned to clients

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